Sunday, April 29, 2012
Our New Home
Finally...our house is at least put together enough that I can put up some pictures. Please ignore any boxes or other clutter, there's still some things to be done...
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, December 8, 2011
So most of you have probably heard this by now but...we are having a BABY! Due June 13. We are beyond excited :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Did Ya Miss Us?
So I figure eight months is about right between updates, don't you think? Ha! It's been a while. Guess I figure I should make a post about all the excitement that has been part of our lives this year. So far, it's been pretty amazing :)
Chris found a job! He has been working for Fidelity since the beginning of May and everything is going well so far. He took the Series 7 and Series 63 exams and passed both with flying colors. The Series 7 he was the top of his class with a 94%! The job is great so far and I think a lot of opportunities will open up for him in the near future. We are really excited and SO grateful for it. The best part is, we work about a half mile down the road from each other so we get to ride to and from work together every day!
My job is also doing great. I am immensely busy this month with budgeting for next year, a huge property sale, and a small team project for our upcoming company seminar in November. I've been a little overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities that have been placed on me recently, but I guess that means that have a lot of faith in me.
Chris's family is doing great. His mom had a major surgery back in June but she is almost fully recovered from that. Now they just need to clear her to drive! Ashley has been here a couple times in recent months and it's been great to see her, and Kirstin and her boyfriend Park are doing great.
My family is doing great also, although we did very recently lose a member of our family. My grandfather passed away on St. Patricks Day this March. It was majorly unexpected and a huge loss for our family. My grandma had recently had one of her legs amputated, and between that and having dialysis three times a week, my family could not personally care for her. As a result she had to move into a care facility and my dad, as the only child, has taken on a huge responsibility of taking care of her home and finances. We all miss my "Papa" terribly and will always remember what a great man he was and the influence he had on our lives.
Papa's Flowers
My Dad reading a poem he wrote about his Dad to his Mom
Me with Grandma
In July my parents and youngest brother were able to come here for two weeks and we got to spend a lot of really great time together. I took a few days off of work and I got to spend a long weekend with them in southern Utah. We went to Bryce Canyon and Zions National Park and did some really amazing hiking. We also played lots and lots of games!! I'm so grateful for that time we had to spend together. I wont be seeing them again until December!
Hiking the Narrows
Bryce Canyon
Also, Eric just got home from his mission in Boston! I got to spend a few days this past week with him and it is so great to have him back here and finally have some of my own family here in Utah. He doesn't look any different but I can tell he has grown a lot spiritually and has really matured a lot. Now I'm excited for him to get married! haha
In April Chris and I took a vacation. We weren't going to take it so early but since he was going to be starting a new job and having to study for tests we thought we should get it out of the way early. We went a little more extravagant than we originally anticipated too, but we figured a last big hurrah before he started working and before we have children. So we went to CANCUN!! It was fabulous. I'll let some pictures do the talking.
Dolphin Discovery
Our Beach
Chichen Itza
Zip Lines
After work and everything else we both have things we like to do for fun. Together we really enjoy movies, tv, and games. We both also really like playing sports so all summer I've been playing softball and now I'm even playing two nights a week! Chris has been kinda MIA for softball and basketball because of work and injuries, but I think he'll get back in the swing of things soon. I also really enjoy reading and I recently read a series called The Uglies. If anybody has any good book suggestions, I'm always up for new ideas!
Other than all that we are enjoying it being just the two of us. We get up together, go to work together, come home together, have dinner, watch tv, play games, and just enjoy being together. We don't have the stress of job searching or studying anymore so it's great to just come home and enjoy each other. Our life hasn't ever been any better than it is right now!
Hopefully the rest of the year will provide us with even more new and exciting adventures...
...and hopefully I'll actually be around again soon to write about it! :D
Chris found a job! He has been working for Fidelity since the beginning of May and everything is going well so far. He took the Series 7 and Series 63 exams and passed both with flying colors. The Series 7 he was the top of his class with a 94%! The job is great so far and I think a lot of opportunities will open up for him in the near future. We are really excited and SO grateful for it. The best part is, we work about a half mile down the road from each other so we get to ride to and from work together every day!
My job is also doing great. I am immensely busy this month with budgeting for next year, a huge property sale, and a small team project for our upcoming company seminar in November. I've been a little overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities that have been placed on me recently, but I guess that means that have a lot of faith in me.
Chris's family is doing great. His mom had a major surgery back in June but she is almost fully recovered from that. Now they just need to clear her to drive! Ashley has been here a couple times in recent months and it's been great to see her, and Kirstin and her boyfriend Park are doing great.
My family is doing great also, although we did very recently lose a member of our family. My grandfather passed away on St. Patricks Day this March. It was majorly unexpected and a huge loss for our family. My grandma had recently had one of her legs amputated, and between that and having dialysis three times a week, my family could not personally care for her. As a result she had to move into a care facility and my dad, as the only child, has taken on a huge responsibility of taking care of her home and finances. We all miss my "Papa" terribly and will always remember what a great man he was and the influence he had on our lives.
Papa's Flowers
My Dad reading a poem he wrote about his Dad to his Mom
Me with Grandma
In July my parents and youngest brother were able to come here for two weeks and we got to spend a lot of really great time together. I took a few days off of work and I got to spend a long weekend with them in southern Utah. We went to Bryce Canyon and Zions National Park and did some really amazing hiking. We also played lots and lots of games!! I'm so grateful for that time we had to spend together. I wont be seeing them again until December!
Hiking the Narrows

Bryce Canyon

Also, Eric just got home from his mission in Boston! I got to spend a few days this past week with him and it is so great to have him back here and finally have some of my own family here in Utah. He doesn't look any different but I can tell he has grown a lot spiritually and has really matured a lot. Now I'm excited for him to get married! haha
In April Chris and I took a vacation. We weren't going to take it so early but since he was going to be starting a new job and having to study for tests we thought we should get it out of the way early. We went a little more extravagant than we originally anticipated too, but we figured a last big hurrah before he started working and before we have children. So we went to CANCUN!! It was fabulous. I'll let some pictures do the talking.
Dolphin Discovery
Our Beach
Chichen Itza

Zip Lines
After work and everything else we both have things we like to do for fun. Together we really enjoy movies, tv, and games. We both also really like playing sports so all summer I've been playing softball and now I'm even playing two nights a week! Chris has been kinda MIA for softball and basketball because of work and injuries, but I think he'll get back in the swing of things soon. I also really enjoy reading and I recently read a series called The Uglies. If anybody has any good book suggestions, I'm always up for new ideas!
Other than all that we are enjoying it being just the two of us. We get up together, go to work together, come home together, have dinner, watch tv, play games, and just enjoy being together. We don't have the stress of job searching or studying anymore so it's great to just come home and enjoy each other. Our life hasn't ever been any better than it is right now!
Hopefully the rest of the year will provide us with even more new and exciting adventures...
...and hopefully I'll actually be around again soon to write about it! :D
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Christmas was crazy fun. First of all, since we were going to be gone for 10 days in the middle of December we did lots of fun Christmas stuff early on. We decorated the house the day after Thanksgiving and spent the next couple of nights watching Christmas movies in our bedroom while we both sat on the floor on opposites sides of our bed wrapping presents. That was fun :) We also went to the Festival of Trees, made gingerbread houses, and made TONS of yummy cookies to deliver to our friends and neighbors.

Then we got to spend 10 whole days in Michigan, it was so awesome! I hadn't been home to see my whole family since my Grandma's funeral last January so it was great to see my Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We played games, visited friends, went to high school basketball games, had lots of Wesco hot chocolate and The Depot turnovers...yum! A couple days before we left we got to celebrate Christmas early with my family and it's always so fun to see people open the gifts that you've chosen for them!

Then after 8 hours of traveling on Christmas eve we made it back to celebrate Christmas at home. Chris's sister Ashley was in town and it was great to see her! Christmas Eve was a little more boring cuz the whole family was either sick or tired so Chris and I just went home and watched a movie. Christmas day was awesome though. We spent a couple hours at home opening our gifts from each other and enjoying our time at home together. Then we went over to his Mom's house and opened gifts with family, talked to my brother on his mission on the phone, had dinner with his aunt, uncle, and cousins, and celebrated his sister's Christmas day birthday. The next couple days we spent with his family before his sister left, lounging around at home eating leftovers and enjoying our Christmas presents :)

It was such a wonderful holiday and we have lots of new memories now with both of our families. Now at the start of the new year we are setting new goals for ourselves and looking forward to what will hopefully be an awesome 2011!
Then we got to spend 10 whole days in Michigan, it was so awesome! I hadn't been home to see my whole family since my Grandma's funeral last January so it was great to see my Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We played games, visited friends, went to high school basketball games, had lots of Wesco hot chocolate and The Depot turnovers...yum! A couple days before we left we got to celebrate Christmas early with my family and it's always so fun to see people open the gifts that you've chosen for them!
Then after 8 hours of traveling on Christmas eve we made it back to celebrate Christmas at home. Chris's sister Ashley was in town and it was great to see her! Christmas Eve was a little more boring cuz the whole family was either sick or tired so Chris and I just went home and watched a movie. Christmas day was awesome though. We spent a couple hours at home opening our gifts from each other and enjoying our time at home together. Then we went over to his Mom's house and opened gifts with family, talked to my brother on his mission on the phone, had dinner with his aunt, uncle, and cousins, and celebrated his sister's Christmas day birthday. The next couple days we spent with his family before his sister left, lounging around at home eating leftovers and enjoying our Christmas presents :)
It was such a wonderful holiday and we have lots of new memories now with both of our families. Now at the start of the new year we are setting new goals for ourselves and looking forward to what will hopefully be an awesome 2011!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Where did the time go?
So things have been rather busy around here lately. It seems like there's always stuff going on to fill up the days and weeks. I mean I can't believe the summer flew by so fast, Halloween has come and gone, Chris turned 27, and Thanksgiving is in one week!....And we get to go to Michigan in less than four weeks!
So what's new? Well after almost a year and a half serving in the nursery in our ward we've finally been released. Chris is still waiting to receive a new calling but I was more than a little surprised by my new one. I've been called to serve as the 2nd counselor in the Primary Presidency! Yikes! I have so much to learn but I think it will be fun. We have darling kids and pretty soon all the nursery kids I've had for so long will be coming into Primary. It was a little stressful the first week since they threw me in the week of the Primary Program AND the Trunk or Treat, but it's died down since and now I just have to worry about teaching sharing time on Sunday!
Halloween was fun. We had a big party with all of our friends and Chris and I enjoyed making our costumes. Between that party, work, and the ward trunk or treat, I got good use out of it too. It took a long time to make but I'd say my Rubiks Cube costume was a hit! And Chris went as...Darth Brooks! :)

For our friend party I also made Oreo Truffles and Dirt Cake for the first time and they turned out great! Although I probably shouldn't make them too often...they're too good!

A couple of days after our party we carved pumpkins with our friends the Bradshaws. Too bad I forgot my camera and I had to take some on Amanda's camera. So for now I
only have pictures of our sweet pumpkins.

For Chris's birthday we stayed in Park City for two nights. We did some shopping at the outlets, went swimming, and just relaxed, it was great! Then the following weekend we stayed in Midway with the Bradshaws. Two great relaxing weekends in a row!
On Wednesday this week we had a baby shower for my friend Katie at work. We all went out to lunch at Sizzler and she opened her gifts there. I was in charge of collecting money from those who wanted to do a group gift and I had SO much fun putting it together. I think I've found my go-to baby shower gift. I made a diaper cake!

Other than all that, I just finished up playing volleyball on Wednesday nights. Our team wasn't all that great, but it was still kinda fun. Now I just need to find somebody who plays basketball...We've also been going to an institute class on Thursday nights. Put all that stuff together and we stay pretty busy. Chris is still searching for a new job in the finance/banking field, so if anybody has any contacts or ideas, please let us know.
Well, at my rate I won't be writing for another while, but I'll try to put up some pictures of Thanksgiving and Christmas soon.
So what's new? Well after almost a year and a half serving in the nursery in our ward we've finally been released. Chris is still waiting to receive a new calling but I was more than a little surprised by my new one. I've been called to serve as the 2nd counselor in the Primary Presidency! Yikes! I have so much to learn but I think it will be fun. We have darling kids and pretty soon all the nursery kids I've had for so long will be coming into Primary. It was a little stressful the first week since they threw me in the week of the Primary Program AND the Trunk or Treat, but it's died down since and now I just have to worry about teaching sharing time on Sunday!
Halloween was fun. We had a big party with all of our friends and Chris and I enjoyed making our costumes. Between that party, work, and the ward trunk or treat, I got good use out of it too. It took a long time to make but I'd say my Rubiks Cube costume was a hit! And Chris went as...Darth Brooks! :)

For our friend party I also made Oreo Truffles and Dirt Cake for the first time and they turned out great! Although I probably shouldn't make them too often...they're too good!
A couple of days after our party we carved pumpkins with our friends the Bradshaws. Too bad I forgot my camera and I had to take some on Amanda's camera. So for now I
only have pictures of our sweet pumpkins.
For Chris's birthday we stayed in Park City for two nights. We did some shopping at the outlets, went swimming, and just relaxed, it was great! Then the following weekend we stayed in Midway with the Bradshaws. Two great relaxing weekends in a row!
On Wednesday this week we had a baby shower for my friend Katie at work. We all went out to lunch at Sizzler and she opened her gifts there. I was in charge of collecting money from those who wanted to do a group gift and I had SO much fun putting it together. I think I've found my go-to baby shower gift. I made a diaper cake!
Other than all that, I just finished up playing volleyball on Wednesday nights. Our team wasn't all that great, but it was still kinda fun. Now I just need to find somebody who plays basketball...We've also been going to an institute class on Thursday nights. Put all that stuff together and we stay pretty busy. Chris is still searching for a new job in the finance/banking field, so if anybody has any contacts or ideas, please let us know.
Well, at my rate I won't be writing for another while, but I'll try to put up some pictures of Thanksgiving and Christmas soon.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pictures Galore!
So lots of stuff has been going on lately. We made it to our one year anniversary and had an awesome time staying in Park City one weekend and in Twin Falls the next. We were in twin Falls for my friend Lisa's wedding so we got to experience that. I had my birthday on July 6th and turned 23. Christopher made it one of my best! We went to Park City over the 4th of July weekend to celebrate my bday and go to Tuacahn for a couple of shows. So fun!! Enjoy the pics!
Room in Park City at the Stein Eriksen

Shoshone Falls

Lisa's Reception

Birthday Flowers

Birthday Cake

Pretty view of the St George Temple

Picture with Thayne Jasperson who was on So You Think You Can Dance :)

Room in Park City at the Stein Eriksen
Shoshone Falls
Lisa's Reception
Birthday Flowers
Birthday Cake
Pretty view of the St George Temple
Picture with Thayne Jasperson who was on So You Think You Can Dance :)
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